News /
2003 year

Number of sunny houses continues to grow
Successfully implemented Saules nams apartment house project is going to be followed by a whole set of new houses in Purvciems, Riga’s most popular suburb.
10 August 2003

Saules dzīve developer company has already started building a 32-unit Saules Seta apartment block, which will be situated not far from the first ‘sunny house’ – on 70/1 Unijas Street.

As stated by company executive Vladimir Tomson, Saules dzīve concept foresees designing compact, cozy low-rise apartment houses, where people would be surrounded by comfort and contemporary level of services. „It doesn’t make sense to move from a soviet style multistory warren into a similar product of the new age”, - says Tomson.

Among Saules Seta customers there are people who couldn’t or didn’t have time to pick up a suitable apartment in earlier Saules nams projects, as well as friends and relatives of first house residents, who appreciated the project and quality of work execution.

Saules Seta is planned to be completed in May 2004.

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